Medical Media HD Live Transmission Pilot: Norway to Korea

The goal of this project is to create a user-friendly capability between Norway and Korea for ongoing collaboration in medical technology and service research and education, and to promote close collaborations between participating hospitals. A pilot high-definition 1Gb transmission from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, to Yonsei Hospital, Korea, enabled doctors to collaborate on distance medical research, test feasibility, and evaluate technologies.

Though demonstration did not use TransLight/StarLight; it used 1Gbps on the SURFnet AMS/CHI link; however, it leverages investments from SURFnet for transatlantic connectivity. At StarLight, we created a VLAN over TransLight (the donated Cisco Research Wave between Chicago and Seattle) to carry traffic from Chicago to Seattle, where NORDUnet peers with KREONet2.



Norwegian University of Science and Technology St. Olavs Hospital

Yonsei Hospital; The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Korea

KISTI/KREONET/KRLight (Korea), NIA/KOREN (Korea), UNINETT (Norway), NORDUnet (Nordic countries), CANARIE (Canada), PNWGP/Pacific Wave (US), StarLight (US), SURFnet/NetherLight (Netherlands)